For kids stuck at home: Live Nursery Tour

Virtual (Live) Farm Tour Join Farmer Hart as he gives you a tour of his nursery. He will show you how we propagate (make new plants), discuss what each season is like on the nursery, share some tips and talk about some of his favorite plants. Most importantly, he will...

Corvid-19 got ya down?

With most of our country’s schools closed for many weeks, parents have been adding the role of an educator to their already full list of responsibilities. The owners of Colorado Hardy Plants are both parents and past educators so feel especially sympathetic to...

New Green Thumbs

After over 30 years of digging in the dirt, Farmer MacPherson has decided to retire. He established strong roots in the hardy plant business and has agreed to pass the reigns to “Hart. The two nurserymen have spent hours together reviewing all things hardy...

RIBES AUREUM Golden Currant, Clove Current

A beautiful hardy deciduous shrub native to the Rocky Mountains. It has  moderate growth to 5ft., but can be held at any height with pruning.  Dark green leaves turn maroon in the fall. Bright yellow flowers in the spring are followed by edible berries, great for...

POTENTILLA FRUITICOSA “Medicine Wheel Mountain”

If you travel in the higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains in the summer you will see Potentilla growing in it’s natural setting. This variety is a very rare spreading groundcover variety that grows 1ftx x 3ft. with grey-green foliage and bright yellow flowers from...


Many years ago I operated a wholesale nursery in Northern California. The weather had hot summers and fairly mild winters. It was notorius for late season warm temps in the 80’s and again early warm temps in the 80’s. Every year the weather would stay warm...