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In the heart of the garden, where sunlight streams,
Cold-hardy wonders fulfill their dreams.
With roots that dig deep in the frosty ground,
And leaves that whisper in breezes profound.

Drought-tolerant beauties stand tall and proud,
In the sun’s warm embrace, they never bow.
Sage and lavender, with scents that enthrall,
Resilient and steadfast, they answer the call.

Through winter’s chill and summer’s dry breath,
They thrive in the struggle, defying their death.
Their colors, like jewels, dance in the light,
A tapestry woven, a marvelous sight.

With each gentle raindrop, they drink in the joy,
Their spirit unyielding, no storm can destroy.
In every soft petal, in every green leaf,
Lies the promise of beauty, beyond all belief.

So plant in your backyard, let nature unfold,
With cold-hardy warriors, so brave and so bold.
Embrace every season, let resilience bloom,
In the heart of your garden, let life find its room.

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