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Our plant of the week is Rocky Mountain Sumac (Rhus glabra cismontana).

Native to all of North America, Rhus glabra is a beautiful shrub for your yard. The cismontana sub-species of sumac is native to the Rocky Mountain region. Deciduous leaves become extremely colorful in early fall. Growing in all conditions but preferring sun, they can even grow on dry slopes where other plants will not survive.

It is a fast growing, drought tolerant shrub that has beautiful red berries. It helps protect disturbed soil and adds beauty to landscapes.

This is a great plant for wildlife and is often grazed on by deer, and attracts various birds, butterflies, and small mammals. Fruit is edible and had many uses by Native Americans, including medicinal uses and to make a drink similar to lemonade.

The above photo is an example of the sumac you would receive! They’re very fast growing and a great option for your landscaping. Check them out here:

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