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Sure, I mention the reasons in other posts, I like to add beauty to the world, help people create a beautiful enviroment, help with global warming,etc. But I really work hard at growing nice plants and take a lot of care in getting them to my customers in good condition. Most customers may appreciate them but usually I hear nothing from them unless they were lost in the mail. But I thought I’d share one example of what really gives me hope that I am on the right track:

Barbara Karst sent you a conversation on September 21, 2016.Re: Order #1126343806 on Sep 10, 2016 Invoice:

every plant perfect wrapped so carefully – not a sick or damaged leaf potted up and growing great, just recieved another order from another Etsy seller- huge mess sick bug eaten , roots hanging out longer than the size of pot, boy do I appreciate you Thanks!

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